New Company Name and Logo – Triskel Tours and Celtic Treasures
Michelle and I are pleased to unveil our new company logo and name! As you know (or may have heard) our name is changing. We will be Triskel Tours and Celtic Treasures. A Triskel (also seen as Triskele, Triskelion, Celtic spiral) is an ancient, pre-Christian symbol...
Live Radio Broadcast June 13
Celtic Dreams Holiday Tour meeting and Irish Music Cafe live broadcast on June 13, 2022 from 4-6pm. Hope to see you there!
Irish-themed charcuterie and cutting boards
New at Bridget Gallagher’s – crafted, Irish-themed charcuterie and cutting boards, and customized Irish Pub sign, all made by local...![[SOLD OUT] Irish Whiskey Tasting](http://triskeltours.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/whiskey_tasting-1056x675.jpg)