Michelle and I are pleased to unveil our new company logo and name! As you know (or may have heard) our name is changing. We will be Triskel Tours and Celtic Treasures.
A Triskel (also seen as Triskele, Triskelion, Celtic spiral) is an ancient, pre-Christian symbol and has had a number of meanings ascribed to it over the centuries. Its triple spiral can represent the three cycles of life…birth, life and death. It was also adopted by Christian Ireland as another symbol representing the Trinity. Another interpretation is that it demonstrates motion – moving forward to a kind of unity. It’s that interpretation that represents what we are doing….moving forward and evolving.
We cherish the Bridget Gallagher name and always will. It is the root of the company that ties it directly to Ireland. The name is also from a different time of the company, and it is now time for us to move forward.
In the future, we’ll be migrating our online presence to the new name, but know that you can still reach us using our Bridget Gallagher emails and web site address…it will automatically forward.
It’s important to note that the only thing that is changing is our name. We will still be traveling to Ireland and Scotland (and who knows….maybe other Celtic nations), offering the very best itinerary and service in the business. Our irreplacable driver, guide and friend, Brian Farrell, will still be behind the wheel and favoring us with his Irish wit and charm, not to mention his extensive knowledge and passion for Ireland. Our shop is not going anywhere, so stop by to get your Irish favorites, along with a cuppa tea (or maybe a wee dram).
Finally, and most importantly, you are still Family. Whether you were introduced to Ireland through Bridget Gallaghers long ago, or more recently under our ownership, you are still part of our Family. Our connection is built on our relationships and our mutual love and passion for travel and for Ireland and all things Celtic. It is those ties that have made us, and will keep us, family.
May God Bless.
Marc & Michelle Harlow